We’re out and about in the community

On 15 and 17 December Victoria Armitage our Project Officer staffed stalls at local organisations: The Kingsgate Community Centre and Abbey Community Centre.

Healthwatch Camden aims to give children, young people, and adults a powerful voice in the delivery of health and social care services in Camden. To this end, Victoria gave out information on who we are and what we do.

She also asked people to fill out our dental survey. We want to find out what local people think of Camden’s dental services. Responses are anonymous and will help us to get a better idea of what local people think of services including what you like and what needs improving. If you prefer you can call Victoria direct on 0203 771 3930.

We want to help local people get the best out of health and social care services, that’s why we’re out talking and listening to people from every part of our community. We also have real power to influence change as we sit on the Health and Wellbeing board.

Having a presence at local community centres gives us the chance to engage with people, in particular those whose voices often go unheard.

If you have feedback on Camden’s health and social care services, let your voice be heard by commenting below.