South End Green Community Festival

This year the South End Green Festival was held on Sunday June 28. Run by South End Green Association, profits go towards supporting local initiatives that help make South End Green an even better neighbourhood to live and work in. Shelly our Community and Engagement Volunteer Manager, and Peter our Community Outreach Officer manned the Healthwatch Camden stall.

Local people have few ways to use their voice and may not realise the difference it can make to our health and social care services.  We attended to highlight that Healthwatch Camden is here to help you to use your voice to have real power and influence.

To this end Peter and Shelly talked to local people and handed out information showing how they can work with us to improve local services.   

Most organisations involved in health and social care services are keen on the idea of involving their services users and there is wide recognition that listening to local people is a good way to improve local services, we’re here to make sure that every voice counts.

Why not contact us to volunteer at one of our events? You’ll gain useful experience and be making a difference to the local community.